Important: While it APPEARS I only have one follower (thank you my dear friend Missy Grant Cooke), I had 60 people view my blog the first day. Don't go thinking it isn't cool and you shouldn't read it anymore. It's cool I swear! Fifty-nine other people said so. Thanks to all of you!
I just ordered a new potato* bag on Etsy. Two fabulous things in one sentence-let me back up. First, a potato bag. If you don’t have one of these you probably don’t know what I’m and talking about, and you don’t know what you’re missing! It’s basically this fabric bag with a fold down top used to cook potatoes (and any other vegetable you want to steam) in the microwave.
Yes, I am aware you can cook a potato in the microwave WITHOUT a potato bag, but once you have, you realize you wouldn’t want to ever again. They come out so wonderfully fluffy and perfectly done.
Before you go thinking my family is ga-ga over potatoes, I’m not really a huge fan of the starch (Bo would argue this is a vegetable. It’s a STARCH. So is corn. Accept it and move forward please) but Bo thinks they are fabulous. I think they are fabulously cheap, are great for adding to soups and casseroles, and allow me to make another side dish in 6-12 minutes. So while I wouldn’t say they are fabulous, they are still pretty okay.
An added bonus: potatoes ARE one of Kinsley’s favorite “toys.” Potatoes in the bag, out of the bag, in the bag, out of the bag, roll them around, stack them up—attempt to stack them up, put them back in the bag.
You may be asking, if she loves the dang thing so much and thinks we should all buy one why doesn’t she already own one?
Well, I did.
It caught on fire.
In the microwave.
Don’t go freaking out. I’ve had this happen with other fabric microwave things, like the rice bags that you use as heating pads (another fabulous). I don’t think it is a user error although I will not fully omit that option. I think just after being microwaved so many times the fabric particle enzyme proton neutrons break down (I did just make that up, sound scientific didn’t it?)
I don’t really know why or how it happens, but we had the thing for 5 years so I am fully ready to invest $6.00 in another one. Don’t worry about the whole fire thing, it gives off a funky smell that’s hard to miss so you’ll catch it before there is any real issue. (Side note: you SHOULD have a fire extinguisher and check that your smoke detector batteries are charged, so really it shouldn’t be an issue anyway. I’m just saying.)
Second fabulous part of my opening sentence—Etsy. You will quickly learn that when I love something, I really really love it and think everyone should love it too. Etsy ( is one of those things. It’s an entire website dedicated to people who are selling hand-crafted (or what we called “home-made” in the olden days) items. That’s right people, no more having to wait for art-fair season, battle parking and hope you can find what you are looking for amongst 100’s of vendors.
Looking at Etsy does make me feel a little (a LOT) untalented nearly every time I am on there; but it also provides me with dozens upon dozens of ideas of things that I would like to create, great original gifts, and always upon always it is one of the most amazing sites to “window shop.”
All this to say: potato bags-fabulous. Etsy-fabulous. I love them, you should too. They're cool.