Monday, January 31, 2011

Sometimes a Good Mom

I have heard countless times, Mom’s can’t get sick. This is true. When Mom gets sick we turn into crappy parents. I have a horrible cold. Enter crappy parent…

The television has been on the majority of the day. When someone licked the glue stick during craft time I gave a less than enthusiastic “don’t eat glue.” I put their cookie on their plate with their lunch because I didn’t want to have to get up and get it again after they ate (which of course they didn’t because they already had the cookie.) When they wanted chips for snack, no fish crackers, no chips, no both, I caved and gave both because I didn’t want to have the argument. There is no singing of songs, my throat hurts. The kid allowed the privledge of being the "helper" for the day (which they totally love!) is fetching tissues rather than assisting in baking home made pizza-we had microwaved mac n cheese for lunch.

We're working on the essentials today. Feed, water, wait, that's the dogs. Feed, sippy cup, send thing #1 to the bathroom, change diaper on thing #2 and thing #3. Repeat process as needed. 

Fortunately I was a good Mom last week. I think we are okay with the “every other week” plan. Now please excuse me while I go back to the couch to be a booger filled zombie and pretend that we are engaging in an activity together, watching  yet another movie.

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