Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The Case of the Missing Purse

Today I was on a hunt for my purse. Not like shopping for a purse, I mean my actual credit/debit, ID and money containing purse. This was day #3 that it had been missing. I figure it was about time to look for it. Obviously on day #1 I looked in all the obvious places, places where it SHOULD be. On day #2 I looked in the places it could be—under the couch? Hiding under something on the counter? Left in the car?

As an FYI—I carry a wristlet not a full size purse, so when it is lost there are a lot more places it can go. Yes I did just say “when it is lost” indicating this is not the first time. This is about the ten-bazillionith time. Kinsley has a fondness for things that are mine, particularly things that she should not have. The purse and cell phone are favorites (if you recall the story about  her eating the space bar off of my cell phone TWICE.) Naturally, I am pretty sure I know how it came to be misplaced.

Generally she doesn’t take the entire purse, she just grabs it and starts emptying it, tossing cards throughout the house. It’s like a game of Hansel and Gretel with plastic. If this were a game on Minute-To-Win-It, we’d be rich!

Kinsley is in the “stashing” phase, you know the one where it is just oh-so-very-very-fun to put things places. Unfortunately, she has not yet acquired the skills to remember where she has stashed the goods. It wasn’t too surprising when I found a cheesestick inside of the flashlight—this is the kind of crazy house we live in. You just never know what you are going to find! 

The other day, I went in a cupboard (her favorite cupboard that she climbs and sits in at least a dozen times a day) and there was a small blanket, two calculators, a dump truck, an empty juice box and a remote. It was clear I had discovered her favorite stash spot. No purse in there.

Last Friday I found the television remote inside of the giant stock pot, lid nicely replaced. The same day I found a plastic hippo inside of the cereal box. Two more good places to check-nope and nope. In her bed? No. Under the bed? No. In her dresser? Laundry basket? No. Inside of a boot? No. Alright we are getting serious  now. 

Think Elyse. Think. Where could it be? I am now a good 20 minutes into the search and every time I move onto a new place to look you can bet that Greyson and Kinsley are a half step behind me to ask “whatcha doing?” 

Me: I’m looking for my purse. 

Kinsley: It’s hiding.

In my nice mommy voice, Kinsley do you know where mommy’s purse is hiding?

Kinsley: YES! It’s down there! 

Me: Down where?

Kinsley: There.

Me: Where is there?

Kinsley: Hiding.

Clearly this line of questioning is not going to be helpful. 

I’ll just keep looking. Fridge? No. Bathroom drawer? Under the kitchen sink? In the arts and crafts bin? Toy bin? No. Nope. Nada. Zip. Zilch. 

Alright, I give. It isn’t like I ever go anywhere. Who in their right mind is going to dress, pack, and load three kids in the car in the winter? There is no where that interesting! It will turn up eventually. Besides I really don’t think I can stand to hear “whatcha doin?” one more time.

Fast forward to 6:00pm. 

Me to Bo: I STILL can’t find my purse. Are you sure you haven’t seen it?

Bo: You need to take care of your things.


Ten minutes later Bo hands me my purse. MY HERO!! “Where was it?!”

Bo: I had put it in the bread box.

OHHHH!! Why did I not think to look in the bread box?!

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