Monday, February 28, 2011

Things I Think I Should Add To My Resume

As the job search continues, I've wondered how to fully capture some of the activities I have recently engaged in...

  • Advanced the understanding of key principles including, but not limited to, colors, numbers, songs, and manners.
  • Created and executed reward system consisting of candy coated chocolate discs (M&M) to facilitate appropriate behaviors.
  • Developed guidelines and provided structure for day to day actions.
  • Critiqued, role modeled and reprimanded as necessary to maintain order and prevent overthrow of governing body.
  • Excelled in budgeting time to meet all necessary deadlines including breakfast, morning snack, lunch, nap, afternoon snack, dinner and bath.
  • Fully utilized materials on hand, fitted sheet and kitchen table, to build play structure.
  • Captured attention of individuals under 3ft tall for up to 4 minutes at a time.
  • Championed efforts to encourage individuals to utilize appropriate locations for urinary and bowel movements.
  • Clarified understanding of world concepts, social etiquette and hierarchy principles.
  • Minimized questions through consistency in concrete answers, primarily applying the phrase “Because I said so.”
  • Served as project leader for arts and crafts activities.
  • Computed regular facebook updates central to communication with external sources.
  • Led measures to streamline nap/bedtime process and eliminate any areas of procrastination.
  • Discovered  numerous ways to utilize paper towel and toilet paper rolls.
  • Devised creative phrasing and actions to deter “meltdown city.”
  • Actively engaged in conflict resolution and negotiation.
  • Documented growth and progress through various mediums including print, electronic, video and photography.
  • Elicited truthful responses to further understand vague situations including who hit who first.
  • Familiarized self with animated characters names, role, interests and other key elements.
  • Incorporated musical elements into mundane activities including clean-up, potty, eating and “I love you. Now go to sleep and I am not saying it again.”
  • Inspired imagination and use of kitchen utensils, various box sizes, and costume to further creative play.

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